We are working towards multiplying
healthy gospel-centered churches in Singapore

This means at least three things:
Planting new churches in Singapore
Helping existing churches to become healthier as they rediscover and apply the gospel of Jesus Christ to every part of their churches
Working with others to revitalise older struggling congregations in Singapore
You may be wondering
Why is church planting necessary in a city that, on the surface, seems to have so many churches?
The reality is that only a small percentage of Singapore residents are believers who worship in churches. In order to reach others in our city, we need many more churches. The planting of new churches is one of the best ways to reach new believers and to renew the whole body of Christ in a city.

We aim to train church planters and encourage existing pastors for the planting and strengthening of healthy gospel-centered churches in Singapore. Read more in this article adapted by Tim Keller’s “Why Plant Churches?”